Friday, March 11, 2011

The Parsons Institute for Information Mapping (IMM)

This cutting-edge Institute is affiliated with the Parsons School of Design. IMM's website is beautifully designed, and it features a wealth of resources on "knowledge visualization." In addition, the Institute publishes the Parsons Journal for Information Mapping. Increasingly, the field of library and information science is blurring disciplinary boundaries in new and creative ways. This is one intriguing and aesthetically pleasing example. Check it out at:

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Do You Think You Know Everything about Searching In Google?

If you haven't had a look at Google Guide, then think again!
Nancy Bachman created this comprehensive, interactive
tutorial for Google because she wanted more information on
Google searches than Google itself provides. She provides it
in specially designed formats for novices, experts and teens at: